Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Specialising is, by definition, specific.

Fitness businesses specialising in ‘fat loss and strength gain’ or companies selling ‘solutions based products’ are not being really specific are they?

 I may be making sweeping generalisations here but most people get into fitness to get fit or lose weight and most businesses sell solutions rather than problems.

The sun never sets on actually making a commitment to something specific and telling the world about it, rather than trying to appeal to everyone and ending up looking like everyone else. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Good Enough

We make the call every day.
An opportunity for work presents itself, someone date-able arrives on the scene, an activity comes up that looks like fun and we make a decision on whether we are ‘good enough’ to apply for the job, ask someone out, or attend that activity.

No one asked us whether we are ‘good enough’, no one said “only apply, ask, attend if you are ‘good enough’”.

Bottom line, it’s not actually our job to decide whether we’re ‘good enough’; it’s our job to apply, ask or attend.

Cos it’s only by doing that we will ever have a chance of finding out whether we are ‘good enough’ or not.

Monday, September 20, 2010

My girlfriend is soooooo butch!

My girlfriend is sooooooo butch!

She’s so butch that she’s the one who wears the pants in our relationship, even if they are pale blue jammie pants with pictures of elmo on them

She’s so butch that when I make a packed lunch for work she shuns the Barbie lunch box for the bob the builder one.

She’s so butch that she keeps her epilady shaver 2000 in a leatherman beltbag, and she only plucks to where her boxer shorts end.

Even when she’s baking she’s butch (not that she bakes much, having me to take care of that). She has a mixer attachment for her power drill.

She’s so butch that she gets treated with respect wherever she goes, when she goes through airports the security staff even call her Sir.

She’s so butch she doesn’t make her coffee (decaf of course) in a coffee plunger, she makes it in a toilet plunger.

She’s even made our cat butch, miss tiddles has a camo collar and a urinal attachment on her cat litter tray.

My girlfriend is soooooooo butch!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


“Procrastination is the solution not the problem” -Ellen Degeneres

It’s what we do when we are avoiding what we are supposed to be doing.
I am an expert, this week especially as I have several deadlines looming and I’ve managed to spend more time off task than on task.
HOWEVER- in the last couple of days I have achieved more than I normally would. In trying to avoid sitting down and writing I’ve found the time to dye my hair (the box of colour has been in the bathroom for a few months), I’ve answered long overdue personal emails, and I’ve started this blog which I have been pondering for about 6 months amongst many, many more things.

So in fact in the act of procrastinating over one or 2 items I have stopped procrastinating and actually done about 20 others.

So perhaps procrastination isn’t really an issue at all, in fact, without procrastination I don’t think I’d get anything done.
