Saturday, April 30, 2011

the (budget) wedding of the century

Inspired I am by the royal wedding..
Weddings can be a bit extravagant so it was good to see Catherine and William using a little bit of good old fashioned common sense when it came to the wedding budget, these are tough times for all of us ya know…..

Here’s some top tips so you too can save money on your wedding like Kate and Wills did:

Recycle wherever possible.
The ring can be a big expense, if you are wanting something a little bit spesh but don’t have the budget ask around your family and see if there are any pieces lying around unused.
Borrow key items for the big day
If the budget doesn’t stretch to a hire car for transport after the reception borrow Dad’s, or even ask a bit further afield, maybe Gran has something you can borrow too, if it’s a bit old it will just add to the charm- don’t forget ‘vintage’ is very ‘on trend’ so don’t worry of the transport is a bit out of date.
You don’t need to hire a flash wedding venue
The local parish church is fine for a family oriented wedding and while a big venue for the reception is desirable, going back to the family home for a meal can be just as nice.
Wedding Outfits
Has the clothing budget been swallowed up by the womenfolk? No worries gentlemen, just wear your work uniform.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


It’s been tough times in crazy housewife land lately.
My domestic situation made domesticity difficult, a tiny flat with the kids means barely enough room for the 2 in 1 shaver/ epilator let alone the breadmaker. Yep, it’s been hairy and ciabatta free. How I coped I do not know.

Anyway happy ending number 312 came in a big truck and a 3 bedroom house in the city end of Karori (in Karori we specify which end we live in, ones personal value rises as the distance between one’s home and the local private school decreases).

Of course the love story leading up to this point was no predictable lesbian ‘one shag and we’re soul mates’ saga…. It was 2 shags and mates are those crackers you eat with marmite…. No wait, that’s meal mates… anyway.

So why am I sitting in Wellington’s public library with my laptop playing on the internet rather than at home unpacking?

Because unpacked boxes I can deal with, no internet is just barbaric….